The county treasurer holds a key position of public trust in the financial affairs of local government. Acting as the bank for the county, school districts, fire districts, water districts, and other units of local government, the treasurer’s office receipts, disburses, invests, and accounts for the funds of each of these entities. In addition, the treasurer is charged with the collection of various taxes that benefit a wide range of governmental units.

The major responsibilities of the county treasurer can be summarized in the following areas:

  • Receipting and accounting of revenue

  • Disbursement of funds

  • Collection of taxes

  • Cash management

  • Debt management

The county treasurer adds value to the taxing districts and citizens by providing:

  • Efficiency and expertise in providing county-wide treasury services

  • Centralized revenue collection

  • Reduction in local government financial service costs to county taxpayers

  • Consolidated investment services

  • Reduction in banking service cost

  • Additional internal controls

  • Financial analysis expertise

  • Assistance in revenue projections and debt service payments